How to make your serviced apartment feel more like home

Serviced apartments are a brilliant option for if you are travelling or staying somewhere on a slightly longer term basis; but it can feel rather strange living in an unfamiliar environment. If you are suffering from homesickness, there are certain things you can do to make things feel more welcoming and like home. Adding personal touches to your serviced apartment should make things feel more comfortable and make your stay more enjoyable.

Make Comfort

There is no shame in bringing some objects that bring comfort and remind you of home to your serviced apartment. Things like your own bedsheets, your favourite books, and a blanket can all furnish your serviced apartment and make it feel a little more welcoming. When it comes to temperature control, make sure you get proper air conditioner maintenance or repair work done so that it makes perfect when you need to cool down. Personal items like candles and ornaments that you bring can make a place feel more human; and if the serviced apartment has things such as vases, actually putting some flowers in them can brighten a room and create a homely feel.

The smell of home

Your smell is a sense that is often neglected when you think about where you are staying, but it can have a real effect on how you view a serviced apartment. If there is a certain air freshener, candle or fragrance that you are used to having at home; it’s a good idea to bring some with you to reconnect you to home whilst you are staying at the serviced apartment. Additionally, you can use the air conditioner to remove unwanted smells and improve indoor air quality. If your AC is not working well, you can contact a nearby service provider for air conditioner repairs. They can assist in fixing your cooling system, which might enhance the ambiance and environment of your apartment.


You may have brought lots of documents, laptops, tablets and business wear for work in your luggage, but you should definitely make sure to leave some room to bring something of a more sentimental nature. Photographs. Bringing photographs of your family, friends, favourite moments and holiday memories, and decorating your serviced apartment with them will help you feel like you are in a familiar place.


It’s understandable to “live out of a suitcase” if you are staying in a hotel for a few days, but if you are there for any longer you should unpack as soon as possible. By unpacking, and putting your clothes in an actual wardrobe; you are living like you are at home, rather than needing to leave a hotel room at short notice.


House plants are becoming much more popular nowadays, and it should be no different for someone staying in a serviced apartment, having a plant present can make a space more inviting. They make rooms feel more vibrant, and have been proven to have mood boosting qualities and improve the air quality of a room. Working surrounded by plants has also shown to reduce stress and anxiety.

Hopefully you find these tips about making your serviced apartment feel more like home helpful, and that your stay at a serviced apartment will be one of enjoyment and comfort.

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